Literary Portraits of Religion and Personality Disorders

Sommersemester 2024 Literary Portraits of Religion and Personality Disorders

Literary Portraits of Religion and Personality Disorders (Seminar)

LEITUNG: Prof. Janko Andrijasevic

TERMIN: Do 16:00–18:00 Uhr

FORMAT: Onlineveranstaltung

Materialien zur Veranstaltung werden ab Beginn der Vorlesungszeit eingestellt.

In literature we may find examples of all the phenomena that exist within the range of human experience, and in this Seminar we will try to answer some questions about the relationship between the psychological and the spiritual dimensions of personality, as described in works of fiction. In order to start looking into these matters we will first discuss the basics of personality psychology, such as maturity, immaturity and disorder, as well as different types of personality disorders. Then follows the discussion about spirituality as a personality dimension, and religiosity as a personal choice. Finally, the chosen works of fiction will serve as illustrations of the relationship between these two dimensions of personality. Seminar is in English.


• Andrijasevic, Janko: God behind the Screen, New York 2018

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